Length (m)
15-20 km
Frode did the travers without rope and protection in 1978 in only 11 hours, but expect to use significantly longer time. A small rack and a rope is necessary. Today the travers is a popular winter outing. «p» Head towards the top of Skamtind (884 m) from Rekvik, the last part involves some easier scrambling. Continue north-eastward over a slightly lower top (863 m), a short rappel might be necessary. Then continue in easier terrain over a 810 m top, and follow the ridge as it turns more soutward over tops that are 724 and 754 m high. Then the ridge goes up-, and more north-wards, again, over a 866 m high top before you go over the pass beneath the peak of Storstolpan (974 m). To go straight up to Storstolpan requires climbing of around grade 3-4, this can be avoided be taking a short detour north. About 300 m north of the peak is an easier way. Continue eastwards over the different peaks of Storstolpan, in relatively easy terrain towards Store Hollenderan (1017 m). The peak is gained easiest from the ridge south of the top, and the way over Revbergtinden to Brattbergtinden is an easy walk. Brattbergtinden consists of three pinnacles, of which the two to the west gives climbing at grade 3, while the east-most is more difficult but it can be avoided by passing just north of it. Melketind and Vågstind presents simple scrambling, and are the final obstacles before an relaxing break at the climbers cabin in Hollenderan. Summer time I suggest you climb the ridge (Zapffeegga) on Zapffetoppen (around grade 4) instead of taking the easier, but very loose, gully (Zapfferenna). From Zapffetoppen to Blåmann is an enjoyable and easy hike combined with some fun scrambling. From the top of Blåmann take the normal hike down.